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The META:PHI listserv is an active online community of more than 1,500 doctors, nurses, counsellors, pharmacists, administrators, and people with lived experience in Ontario and across Canada. It is a discussion forum for addiction-related questions, cases, articles, and policies.


The META:PHI listserv was started in 2015 with the first RAAM pilot projects in Ontario. It now includes more than 1500 members from across Canada (and increasingly, parts of the United States) representing many disciplines and sectors, both medical and non-medical. Its purpose is to facilitate discussion among colleagues across the addiction services field, including addiction medicine, harm reduction, counselling, and allied services and research.  

Posts regarding clinical questions, resources, events, research, policy, and other topics related to work with people who use substances are welcome. META:PHI does not endorse any of the resources or opinions shared in this forum.

Signing up and participating

To access the group as a mailing list, send an e-mail to Laurie Smith with the following information:

  • Your role and institution
  • The e-mail address where you would like to receive the messages
  • How you would prefer to receive the messages:
    • Receive each message as a separate e-mail
    • Receive a daily digest e-mail with the text of up to 25 messages bundled together
    • Receive a daily abridged e-mail with a summary of the day’s post subjects and authors (content of posts not included; viewable only through the online forum)
    • Receive no e-mails; online forum access only

If you would like to access the group as an online forum, you will need to be signed up with an e-mail address that is associated with a Google account. If you do not have a Google account, go to the sign-up page to create an account. You can either create a new Gmail address (default) or use an existing e-mail account (click on “Use my current email address instead”). To join the group, sign into your Google account, go to the group page, click on “Apply for membership”, and write your role and institution in the text box.

To post a message to the group, e-mail your message to and it will be disseminated to all members after moderation. If you are signed up with a Google account, you can also post your messages on the group page.

To leave the group, send a blank email to


The META:PHI Google group is moderated; all messages are read by a moderator before they are posted to the group. If your message is not posted, you will receive a notification with an explanation. Messages may not be posted if they fall into any of the following categories:

  • Cases with identifying information (see below)
  • Replies to requests for services in a particular area (please send directly to the requester)
  • Messages intended for an individual (please double-check the “To” address)
  • “Low-content” messages (e.g., “Thanks!” “Interesting!”)
  • Posts that solicit referrals or advertise products/services
  • “Off-topic” messages that are not related to substance use
  • Posts that violate the code of conduct (see below)

When posting a clinical case, please do not include details that could result in your patient being identified by others. Please use general descriptions as much as possible (i.e., decade for age, approximate time frames for recent admissions/interventions), include only clinically relevant medical and social details, and avoid naming specific hospitals or treatment centres. The moderator may ask you to adjust a case presentation if the post contains potentially identifying information.

All messages that follow these rules will be posted. If you have any questions about why a message was not posted, please contact Laurie Smith.

Code of conduct

The purpose of the META:PHI Google group is to facilitate discussion among colleagues across the addiction services field. Debate is welcome, including critiques of policies and clinical practices related to the field of substance use. Posts must focus on policies and practices rather than individuals or groups. Messages containing personal attacks, insults, profanity, or threatening or abusive language will not be posted. Messages ascribing ill intent or reflecting bias towards individuals or groups will also not be allowed.

META:PHI advocates the use of people-first language. Members may be asked to rewrite any posts that contain stigmatizing language.

We request (but do not require) that members include their name and role at the end of each post.

If you have any concerns about a particular post, please contact Laurie Smith, who will take the concern to the META:PHI team.

Addiction-NP Google Group

Addiction-NP is a community of Nurse Practitioners with an interest in addiction care. It consists of a listserv and monthly meeting held on the last Wednesday of the month at noon (excluding July, Aug, and Sept). Nurse Practitioners from across Canada use this space to share knowledge, resources, concerns, ask questions, and make connections with other like-minded NPs.

NPs wishing to join can email Laurie Smith to receive a welcome message and a link to the next meeting.